Heavy Weight

Life is full of choices,

Each one depends upon the next.

And the weight of all the consequences,

Leaves me gripped.

Goodbyes and tragedies,

Guilt trips and responsibility,

None of these go easily.

Giving up your dog,

When it bites your kid.

Keep your job,

Or call it quits.

Forgive your spouse,

Or just forget.

Sometimes we ignore,

That therapy only works to a certain extent.

It takes effort,

Even though we are already spent.

Life doesn’t stop for anyone to process shit.

I’m sorry if I’m griping,

I just had to vent.

I feel a little better,

Now that my thoughts are free.

Hopefully I can rest tonight,

With a little more peace.

And someone, somewhere,

Feels a little less alone,

Because we all make choices,

We all brave the unknown.


The bird that perches on the tree is free
My darling daughter,
I pray that’s what you’ll always be
Unafraid of the dark,
Because you’ll remember you’re light
Appreciating the wildflowers that grow
Wild and off course, even in the night
I pray you have the character that stands out
Like the colors on a rusted tin roof
With your Papa’s eyes and his wisdom too.
Don’t let the streams stirring within take over,
Learn from the broken lineage of our mothers,
To reason things through,
Before throwing the shoe.
Cause’ words do hurt,
And feelings aren’t always truth.
Be brave enough to till your soul, like ground.
And have balanced feet and a mind that’s sound.
Don’t forget you are loved, on the days of joy and days of sorrow.
May you blossom like the garden your name represents.
Our beautiful Eden, our girl heaven sent.


“My heart it just ain’t right,
But I try with my might.” -Elle King

Heard these lyrics in a song and they stung. But in a good way. I’m sure I’m not alone in feeling like my heart just ain’t right.. and sometimes it’s easy to recieve grace and move along.

Other times though, feelings of guilt, confusion, and insecurity take over. A sense of being lost as to how to get back on track creeps in. It sort of feels like a wheel that’s stuck in super thick mud.

However, thank God for the gift of wisdom and being able to be awakened by awareness of “the why”. Even when the answer doesn’t totally make sense….external circumstances are inevitable, but in the past being able to rise above situations out of my control and keep going was not a huge challenge.

This time has been different.

This overwhelming presence of resistance has sat into my heart that has been difficult to shake. With it, I’ve judged myself. I’ve felt guilty for being down, for not having the faith to just brush it off, and for telling myself I shouldn’t be in this place.

I’ve judged others for having these picture perfect lives without ever having to (in my mind) struggle.

I’ve held onto resentments from past offenses or unmet expectations that have literally made my body ache.

I’ve compared my life and progress with those who’s stories aren’t meant to be mine.

And through this I am learning that I am slowly losing myself.

Losing some joy,

Some hope,

Some direction,

Some love.

And my spirit has felt that wound.

But I am not alone in experiencing a heartsick experience like this.

And in order for healing to be welcomed there must be an acceptance of:

1. This is where I’m at and that’s ok.

2. My journey is my own, no one else’s.

3. Most things are out of my control.

4. In order to get this wheel moving once again, I’ll need some help.

There also needs to be a “letting go”.

1. I’ll need to let go of the gas pedal…

2. I’ll also have to be willing to remove the objects, thoughts, and limitations as to what got me stuck in the first place.

3. And finally, letting go of the expectations I place on myself and my relationships… the voice that tells me I should be in a different place that I am.

Because I know if my foot keeps flooring the gas the way things are going right now, I’ll make an even bigger mess. One that would make life messier for myself and everyone around me.

Yes, my heart ain’t right. But with my might, I try. I search. And for those that value the Word, it says to ask, seek, knock…We must “die to ourselves” in order to have the life Jesus led. Die to our need to control, to fix, to compare, to understand all, to judge and condemn. Die to the things that harden our hearts and prevent us from being our naturally, free selves.

Our hearts our sick. We don’t truly know what we are doing or who we are all the time. We don’t know how to handle this beautiful, messy life. We don’t know how to truly love one another. But we are more than capable of learning. Applying. Changing. Transforming. Not perfectly, but in a way that makes a stubborn wheel stuck in mud move a little further. We must be open. We must be humble to acknowledge this and accept spiritual direction from something greater than ourselves.

1 Thessalonians 5

1 Thessalonians 5 is speaking to my heart this morning. I want so badly to be the person described…

“But let us who live in the light be clearheaded, protected by the armor of faith and Love, and wearing as our helmet the confidence of our salvation.”

“For God chose to save us through our Lord Jesus Christ, not to pour out his anger on us. Christ died for us so that, whether we are dead or alive when he returns, we can live with him forever. So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.”

“We urge you to warn those who are lazy. Encourage those who are timid. Take tender care of those who are weak. Be patient with everyone.”

“Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”

“God will make this happen, for he who calls you is faithful.” 

The Pursuit of Knowing Truth 

I want the world to know that this life is not about getting to heaven. 
It’s ultimately about knowing and uncovering the truth about God for who He truly is. 

It’s about learning His heart.

It’s not through feeling like we have accomplished many things we think He approves of, but about opening our heart to truly knowing Him. 

This world will always have opinions and mindsets about what He is, and about how we should live. 

We can’t know the truth about Him through learning by hearing and watching others experience Him. 

We must connect with Him ourselves, in our own intimate relationship. 

Having that uniquely, personal relationship with God will build meaning and purpose.

This will grow that desire and Love by starting the journey of knowing Him. 

It isn’t easy. That is the truth. 

There are many distractions, and the enemy will do everything to tell you lies that you are incapable and undeserving of truly knowing God. 

But God’s intention was always for you to know Him, and to help you become fully alive through that process. 

Be strong and fight for your right to know Truth. 


Take yourself a little more seriously. 
Believe in the words that escape your mouth,

The ones that are spoken within you that often times leak out,

Believe in the spontaneous moments that are starving for your attention,

Believe in the beauty of nature, and how it is so mind-blowingly intricate that there must be a grand Creator.

Follow the beat of your heart that is good, by knowing it’s goodness derived from a sacred place. 

Know deep down that there is a bigger purpose and that your pre-destined role is needed. 

Apply the advice you humbly give. 

It was meant for you, before you gave it. 

Your Heart is Good

Have you ever felt that you aren’t being the person you want to be? You may not always act like the person you are, and during those times you feel like maybe you aren’t the kind, calm, encouraging, and beautiful person, afterall. 

You start to question if you are good. 

And when you make mistakes that aren’t good, you don’t always feel good about yourself, which can affect not only your self view, but how you interact and react to others. 

When we don’t feel like we are good, we won’t follow through with actions, we won’t be as encouraging towards others, and we will be so consumed with our not-so-goodness, we will miss out on the bigger picture. It isn’t about our goodness and actions, but about Who’s goodness dwells within us. 

God has given us a new life, with a new heart. In His Resurrection, we have found an affirming truth. 

We can be strengthened in knowing that even on our gloomiest days, we are not our mistakes. We are ever-growing and changing into more wise, capable, and mature creations. We are not ignorant, but aware, of the process of transformation that is made possible through Jesus’ Resurrection in the form of the Holy Spirit being present within us. 

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” -John 10:10 

“We are saved by his life when we find that we are able to live the way we’ve always known we should live. We are free to be what he meant when he meant us. You have a new life- the life of Christ. And you have a new heart. Do you know what this means? Your heart is good (Waking the Dead).”

A Life of Freedom

The last year has been trying, but purposeful. Here are a few things that have made an imprint…

Living in freedom is easier said than done…why is that? 

 1. There is, in fact, a battle. One that is in your mind, heart, and soul. Fighting for the truth living inside of you, fighting to conceal your true identity, fighting for your peace. Fighting to keep you in conformity. Fighting to keep you blinded and settled. Every day there is a war for your heart. 

2. Your actions matter, but your heart matters more. I long to see people lead with passion. Passion in their careers and workplace, in their marriages and relationships, and passion to learn more about who God is. I want people to know that love is truly it, the missing piece, to love like God has demonstrated, so simply, yet meaningfully. When we realize that life is meant to simply serve in love, everything now has purpose. Every conversation, smile, wave, plan, and action. Everything becomes intentional, which just makes it so beautiful and real.

3. Your past may be forgiven and forgotten, but the learned mindset, lies, and lifestyle behaviors take time to be transformed and molded into something new. Be patient with yourself and others, just like He is with you. As long as you continue to search for Him, learn about His nature, yield your heart over and over to be shown the next step, and remember who you are in Him through speaking with Him and reading His word, you will be made stronger by the Holy Spirit. 

You see, Jesus loves you. And what that means is that the way He sees you will never be any different. You are free to explore, question, be curious, doubt, laugh, cry…etc. 

Stand tall and firm, not because that is what comes naturally, but because you believe in who God says you are: Loved. Important. Strong. Brave. Free. You are here for a reason to share His love with everyone within your reach. 

Freedom, sweet, freedom, for all that take a moment to feel and believe. 

Beautifully Purposed

Life gets messy,

like the chips of nail polish on my fingers. 

We get beat up and burned up, 

and often times we are left wondering why. 

But maybe just maybe, 

we get a glimpse of heaven in the midst of it, 

if we only look up to the light for just a moment. 

We can see color and beauty in the chaos by seeing His glory.

What once was something messy, is now something beautifully purposed.